Nicolas Darvas Box Theory Trading Method

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Timeless You

Monday, June 9, 2014

World Cup influence to the market & last minute Trilive talk this evening

Ok, the World Cup will kick-off this Thursday and
I have a few questions from readers regarding the
impact and influence to the market. To set the
record, I am a football fan, and I am a life-long
Liverpool fan for over 30 years and I do watch
and subscribe to the World Cup every 4 years.
But there is one thing that is on par with my
football to me, and that is the power of Money.
There are reports saying that the stock market
will be a ghost town and the volume will drop
within the World Cup month. To me, it is a
utter BS. I will definitely wake up to watch
the live football matches but I will also make
sure that I will be awake during the trading
hours and daytime. Right now, stocks and
properties remain to be my love.
Ok, my Dearest, they will always rank behind
you forever....

Where was I??
Oh ya, the World Cup. I got a very strong sense
that a small pool of stocks will continue to be in
the limelight away from the green football field.
Volume may not drop as a whole and I definitely
don't see a major correction or heavy selling
while the nations are sweating it out for the
World Cup glory.
If you want to ask me which football team is
going to win the World Cup. I can say that I am
not a fan of Samba football and I hope that
another black horse will win it for the first time.
Because of Premier League, I always support
England emotionally to win the World Cup,
but they have disappointed me again and again,
and I can hope for the 5 Liverpool players in the
squad to perform as good as they are with the club.
I think the dark horse team of Uruguay and the
Dutch have a good chance, it is only my view.

Lastly, there is a last-minute talk on the freehold
project Trilive this evening at the showflat itself.
More detail are here: Trilive - Unlimited Potential 
Register with me if you are interested to find out
about the project on-site.

1 comment:

Investopenly said...

I am a soccer fan too but I belongs to Red Devils. ;-)

As for the WC2014, I am predicting Brazil and Spain in the final even though I am an England supporter.


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