Nicolas Darvas Box Theory Trading Method

Investing Seminar

Timeless You

Monday, March 18, 2013

Market View 18 March 2013

If you are a investor/trader with a keen eye over
what really happened to the stock market, then
you should observed and noticed some "strange
irregularities" in many stocks at Friday's closing.
Well, the banks and the property counters got 
hit hard during the closing matching time.
For myself, I am more particularly interested in 
what happened to the stocks in my watchlist.
For example, the palm-oil counters, 
At 4.59pm, Golden Agri last traded at 60.5cts,
and at matching, it closed at 59cts with a 74 million
shares matched. 
Indo Agri, about 6 million shares matched at closing
price of 1.19
Wilmar last traded at 4.59pm at 3.35 and closed
at 3.32 with 26 million shares matched. 
First Resources also had about 7 million shares matched
at 1.84

Other "incredible" matched closing price include stocks
like Olam. It was last traded at 1.68 before being matched
and closed at 1.625 with a 20 million shares selling-down.
HPH Trust  was last traded at 82cts before closing matched
at 83.5cts with 13 million shares.
Yanlord last traded at 79cts and closed at 80.5cts with a
2 million shares buy-up.
GLP was at 2.63 at 4.59pm and closed on a matched 
price of 2.66 with 23 million shares buy-up.
The list can go on and on, but other stocks that I observed
include United Envirotech, Sound Global, Goodpack,
Geoenergy, Suntec Reits, Capitaland, Genting and even Metro.

If you ask me, I can only say that this should be the doing
of the funds doing portfolio balancing and adjustment.
Some funds financial year will close at month-end so they
maybe taking good profits from their winner stocks and 
buying into bargains spotted. I won't want to read too much
into what I have shared, but you can form your own opinion.

Next, I have re-opened a blog Singapore Stock Reports For You,
and those readers who have been with me for a long time 
will probably have been to the site before. It was a blog set-up
way back in 2008 and "ceased operation" around 2010.
I have re-open it with a new purpose and it is all explained
in the blog itself. I will publish those headline by the local 
brokerage in the blog with target price. Hope that it will 
benefit the readers and members.

Enter any position with a Cut-loss level & Trailing Stop,
and Please practice strict Money(Risk)-management.
If you don't like what you see in the market,
simply don't trade.

If you have Skype, and would like to chat with me about

stocks and all others, you can ring me at my
email address:
I have currently a couple of members skyping with me
everyday,and they are having good trading results.
See their comments here:

As usual,

Stay Alert but be Aggressive too.
Audentes Fortuna Juvat !!

市场生存座右铭: 风林火山



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