纵使家财万贯, 呼风唤雨,
然而恶贯满盈, 为富不仁,
终究疏而不漏, 必遭天遣。
又闻"富着甚富, 贫者甚贫"
有者视财, 爱不释手,
智者见智, 仁者见仁。
有人劳其一生, 终两袖清风,家徒四壁,可怜之
有人一朝得志, 乌鸦变凤凰,目中无人,可恶之
有人一念之差, 堕入深断崖,含恨而终,可悲之
有人铤而走险, 陷入苦囹圄,悔不当初,可泣之
常言道"钱非万能, 但没钱万万不能",
但"君子爱财, 取之有道"
且"贪既是贫" 宜慎之
倘若因贫穷, 而遭人白眼, 冷嘲热讽,
则人心已变, 世间冷暖事, 烟消云散。
锦衣华服过一生, 破烂布衣也数载,
如终日怨天忧人, 悲天悯人, 不思进取, 坐井观天,
则怨恨, 忌妒, 不平等之心将"一江春水向东流"永随您左右!
酩酊拙作, 不吝赐教,
切勿对号入座, 实乃随笔一则。
危机就是转机!! The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word "Crisis". One brush stroke stands for Danger, the other for Opportunity. In a Crisis, be aware of the Danger but recognise the Opportunity. - Former US President Richard Nixon
Sunday, October 24, 2010
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I like this post... Speak the ugly side of human (GREED), In short, contented is happiness...
"君子爱财, 取之有道", 謝謝提醒!
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